Some people have the idea that being a medium must be depressing. After spending time with me, they wonder, “How can someone who talks to dead people all day stay so positive and upbeat?”

For me, mediumship is the opposite of depressing. Rather than being immersed in sadness and grief, my day-to-day focus is proving to people that their loved ones are happy, healthy, and most importantly, still very much with them.

With the understanding that my gift is about light rather than darkness, it won’t surprise you to learn that ghoulish Halloween isn’t really “my holiday,” but there’s another celebration coming up that aligns perfectly with my perspective on death and the afterlife.

When the Veil is Thin, Loved Ones In Heaven Draw Closer

In late October and November, the veil that separates us from the Spirit Realms becomes thinner. The energy of Halloween, All Saints Day, All Souls Day, and The Day of the Dead bring loved ones in Heaven closer. But it is Día de los Muertos, or the Day of the Dead that resonates most with me.

Celebrating Life, Love, and the Afterlife

Día de Los Muertos, or Day of the Dead, is a Mexican tradition and is celebrated from October 31 to November 2. It’s filled with wonderful traditions designed to honor and remember loved ones who have passed over. Over the course of three days, offerings and altars are created to honor departed family members. These altars are decorated with bright yellow marigold flowers, photos of the departed, and the favorite foods and drinks of the one being honored.

Celebrations for the Day of the Dead include colorful sugar skulls and plaster skeletons dressed for weddings and celebrations. Everything is beautiful and joyful – to attract the souls of dead loved ones. The living celebrate these days when they “reunite with the dead” with music, dancing, processions, and of course, delicious food. There’s something so beautiful and natural about the way the Mexican people honor their dead. To me, it acknowledges the fact that the veil between life and the afterlife is a thin one, and the dead are never far from us.

Tapping into the Energy of the Season

While the veil is thin, consider creating your own light-filled ritual to feel closer to your loved ones on the other side. You might set up a simple altar in your home with candles and photographs, share memories of them with friends and family, or go to church and light a candle. But in keeping with the spirit of celebration, I recommend you don’t dwell on how they died or how much you miss them. Instead, share stories that make you laugh or remember how they made you feel special. Set a place at the table for them and make their favorite meal. Most important, feel their presence around you and be thankful for the time you spent together.

Tonight, I’ll be hosting an Evening of Spirt live online event. I look forward to helping my community feel closer to their loved ones in Heaven, and to honor their dead, not with sadness and fear – but with joy!