Celebrating Special Days with Loved ones in Heaven

Explore James' Teachings and Insights on All Things Spiritual

Celebrating Special Days with Loved ones in Heaven

Jun 16, 2017 | JVP's Blog

If the people we love are stolen from us, the way to have them live on is to never stop loving them.
—James O’Barr

This month is filled with special days and milestones – graduations, June weddings and of course, Father’s Day. Times like this can open up old wounds – feelings of loss and regret that loved ones in heaven can’t be present to honor the occasion. But, while not here in the physical sense, you can take comfort in the fact that friends and family in the Spirit Realm are very much with you, eager to join the party!

Make room for Spirit!

I recently attended the wedding of a charming young couple. At the reception an empty table caught my attention because I could sense a gathering of souls around it. As I approached I could see that the table was dedicated to dear ones who had passed. Each setting featured a photograph and a place card with the name of someone who had touched the lives of the bride and groom. I could feel the love radiating from that table as people stopped by to admire the photos and share stories and memories. With this simple acknowledgement of those who could not be there in person, the young couple insured that their wedding would be blessed by the presence Spirit.

If you’ve lost someone close to you, chances are you are torn between moving forward and finding your own comfort and happiness, and guilt and the desire to honor their memory. You don’t have to feel conflicted! Your loved one is happy, healthy and reunited with friends and family on the other side. They want YOU to be happy too. Rather than missing them, know that they are just a thought away, and reach out to them often.

Here’s a simple exercise to connect with a loved one who has passed on – it works for your Spirit guides too:

Sit in a quiet place where you can be one with your breath. Inhale and exhale softly as you hold spirit in your mind. Visualize your inner light moving up into the heavens, where it mingles with the light coming down from above. 

When you’re feeling grounded, I want you to create your own postcard for a loved one or guide in the Spirit World. Get some blank paper and crayons or pencils and use your intuition as you decorate this card for Spirit. You can even cut out pictures from magazines or get some glue and glitter. Have fun with it! 

When you’re finished, I want you to write a phrase your loved one would use often. Or, if you’re connecting with a guide, write a phrase or word that comes to you. Go with whatever you get first. Don’t second-guess it.   

Now, get an envelope, address it to Spirit, and put it next to a candle. Light the candle and watch the flames move upwards, symbolizing that your card is being delivered to the heavens. After a few minutes, take some time to journal about the meaning of this sacred phrase in your life. It’s no accident this is what came to you. What does Spirit want you to know? 

Throughout your week, I want you to look around and see how often that same phrase comes into your world via a sign or something someone says. Spirit will influence others as often as they can to let you know they are with you. You’ll be shocked by how often this happens! 

I hope this exercise allows you to shift your perspective. When you truly understand that your loved one is never truly gone, you will live, heal and thrive without guilt or regrets. If you’re finding it difficult to recover from a loss – recent or in the far past – you might need some help. In my Spiritual Healer Certification Course, I teach you to tap into the power of divine energy to clear the grief, guilt and fear that is keeping you from experiencing true happiness.

This month, as you celebrate the marriages and graduations and honor Fathers Day, I hope you’ll come up with your own unique way to send a “shout out” to the dearly departed who are there in Spirit.