Three Reasons to Practice Mindfulness Now

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Three Reasons to Practice Mindfulness Now

Nov 11, 2017 | JVP's Blog

Any time of year is a good time to begin a practice of Mindfulness – but I believe the period leading into the holiday season is the PERFECT time!

With gifts to buy, festive meals to prepare, friends and family in town, and a calendar packed with social obligations, the holiday season can feel overwhelming. But getting overly caught up in your to-do list can prevent you from being present to enjoy the magical moments of the season. And that’s not all!

Here are three reasons you might not have thought of to get mindful before the holidays begin and keep that awareness going all year long:

1) Being in the moment is one of the best ways to interact with family and friends without letting history of petty grievances, hurt feelings and jealousy get in the way. You can consider mindfulness to be your “reset button” that makes it easier to simply let go and enjoy interactions with loved ones!

2) Mindfulness allows gratitude to flourish. A sense of gratitude is such a wonderful gift to give yourself. The holidays are full of beauty, love and wonder – and when you are fully tuned in, you’ll be able to give the sights, sounds, taste and smells of the season the appreciation that they deserve.

3) You’ll strengthen all SIX senses. By tuning into the present, you’ll not only enhance your ability to see, hear, smell, touch and taste – you’ll tap into your sixth sense as well. As the year ends, Spirit comes closer – and mindfulness opens you up to receive messages from your guides, loved ones in Spirit, and the voice of your soul!

Convinced? Here’s how to get mindful now.

To me, being mindful is like practicing meditation while at the same time moving around and engaging in your daily activities. You do everything you would normally do, but you experience each activity fully. You tune into what you’re doing now, rather than focusing on what you did yesterday or what you’ll be doing next. You pay attention to your thoughts, your feelings and how the energy you put out to the world impacts others. And just like meditation, mindfulness is a simple practice that can transform every facet of your life and the lives of the people around you.

Experience the present moment with all five senses.

Make it a point to practice awareness throughout the day. As you walk, notice your feet touching and leaving the ground, gaze up at the sky, be aware of your breath and the movement of your arms. Or, notice how your hands grip the steering wheel when you drive, listen to the noise of the engine, and feel the wind in your hair. Slow down and give the process of getting from one place to another your full attention – rather than just mindlessly rushing to your next destination.

Accept yourself and enjoy the moment!  

Mindfulness is a state of acceptance, not judgment, so don’t even attempt to give yourself a “mindfulness grade.” Be kind to yourself, and make mindfulness a habit every day by remembering to slow down and focus on the present moment with awareness and acceptance. Be aware of the beautiful world around you and the people you come into contact with you, and you will find the peace of mindfulness transforming your life – this season and through the new year.

Need a little help tuning into the moment? Your personal team of Spirit Guides is always there to assist and support you in all of your endeavors – and embracing mindfulness is one of their favorites. My latest course, Connecting to Your Guides, Angels and Masters will show you how to access their divine wisdom and make the most out of every day.