Attending a Mediumship Event? Here’s What You Need to Know

Explore James' Teachings and Insights on All Things Spiritual

Attending a Mediumship Event? Here’s What You Need to Know

Apr 24, 2021 | JVP's Blog

It’s that time again! I’ll be hosting an Online Evening of Spirit on Friday, April 30th and I’d love for you to be there. If you haven’t attended one of my Zoom events, what are you waiting for? It’s a great way to feel closer to your loved ones in Heaven, without leaving home!

To make sure you have the best experience possible, I’ve put together answers to some commonly asked questions about my Mediumship Demonstrations.

Check out these Q and A’s, and get ready for 90 minutes that will change the way you look at death – and life!

Q – Do I have to be in the same room with the medium to get a good reading?

  • It doesn’t make a bit of difference. I can do just as detailed and accurate a reading on zoom, on the phone, or even on the radio as I can if the person receiving the reading is right in front of me.

What matters is that Spirit has a message that needs to be delivered. The universe is energy, and that energy isn’t limited by time or distance.

Q- What should I do before a mediumship demonstration?

  • I’d normally say give yourself plenty of time and allow for traffic, so you’re not stressed out when you arrive – but with an online event, that’s not going to be a problem! However, I recommend you do whatever you need to be calm, comfortable and fully present when the event begins. You might want to meditate for a few minutes, or listen to some uplifting music. You can set your intention to hear from a loved one, but keep an open mind and be receptive to whatever spirit has in store for you (more about that later!)

Q- Is there anything I should NOT do before an event?

  • First of all, please understand that we’re in this together. A demonstration of mediumship is not like a concert where you can sit back and watch the musicians perform. A reading is a “threesome” between the medium, the spirit, and the person receiving the reading. I always eat a light meal and drink plenty of water before an event and avoid stress and distractions, and I recommend my audience members do the same. The hour before an event is not the time to get in a fight with your spouse or balance your checkbook. It’s important that you keep your energy clear so you’re in a calm, receptive space for the messages that come through. Oh, and please save the wine or cocktails for AFTER the event.

Q – How can I improve my chances of getting a reading?

  • It’s simple. Be joyful, and come from your heart space. Do you know why I joke around and dance at my events? I’m a “com-medium” for a reason – spirit is attracted to happy, loving vibrations. So, listen to music before the event, tell funny stories and think happy thoughts about your loved ones in the spirit world. It’s the best way I know to draw them closer!

Q – What if the “wrong” person comes through?

  • It’s normal to have someone in mind when you attend a mediumship demonstration, but once the event begins, just let go and don’t try to control the experience! Calm your thoughts, open your heart, and surrender to the wisdom of the universe. Many people do exactly the opposite! They’re pushing so hard to connect with a particular loved one in the spirit realm that they run the risk of missing out on a life-changing message.

Q – What if I have a specific question for my loved one?

  • Stop me if you’ve heard this before. Don’t try to control the experience. Your loved one in the Spirit realm will share exactly the message you need to hear. Remember, a spirit has no personal agenda, so take a deep breath and absorb what they have to say! They have your best interest at heart, and will deliver a message to help you on your journey. The more you push, the less likely you are to receive the answers you are looking for. Even if you do, you’ll wind up second guessing yourself, wondering if the message came from the spirit world or from your own wishful thinking.

Q- Should I take notes or record my reading?                                                                      

  • You can jot down a few notes, but I’d recommend you wait till after your reading. While we’re talking, focus on the moment. Listen to the messages I’m relaying. Afterwards, think about what you heard, and remember how it made you feel. What did you learn from the reading? Did any insights that were shared resonate with you? Even if you don’t get a personal reading, there will always be message that holds some meaning for you.

With all the places you could be, you are choosing to attend a mediumship event. Trust that you are there for a reason, and keep an open mind. The lesson or message you are meant to hear will reveal itself to you.

The Spirit people have already started to send me signs, and I’m looking forward to an incredible event. I hope you’ll join me at me  April 30th Evening of Spirit Event. I’m looking forward to spending this time with my Zoom audience, and I know there will be major healing taking place.

Also, for the first time, I’ll be offering closed captioning for the hearing impaired – so no matter what, everyone will be able to catch the divine insights that come through.

When life changed last March, and events and concerts all over the world were cancelled, I thought I’d miss being on stage. I should have known that the universe had me covered! Our powerful energy connects us beyond what I could ever have anticipated, and after over a year of hosting online demonstrations and workshops, I actually find myself forgetting that we’re not all in the same room together!