Love is in the Cards – Valentine’s Day and Every Day!

Explore James' Teachings and Insights on All Things Spiritual

Love is in the Cards – Valentine’s Day and Every Day!

Feb 8, 2019 | JVP's Blog

What does Valentine’s Day have in common with Thanksgiving? This isn’t a riddle – it’s something to think about. Give up?

Both Valentine’s Day and Thanksgiving are centered around emotions that can (and should) be incorporated into every single day of the year. Thanksgiving celebrates gratitude, and of course, Valentine’s day is all about LOVE!

I enjoy the fun and sentiment that goes along with this season of love – and who doesn’t welcome some flowers or chocolate from a loved one – but a few years ago I created a deck of cards that are designed to help you keep love  front and center every single day of the year.

My Power of Love Activation Cards serve as a reminder that love isn’t something that you pursue, or wish for. Love is what you are. It’s your natural vibration and state of being. Pick a card a day and meditate on it for a few moments – then sit back and let the universe work its magic, delivering love to your door.

Let me demonstrate how it works. I conducted an experiment over the last few days, picking a card at random, then watching to see what happened. As I anticipated, the universe did not disappoint.

You’re going to love this!

Day 1 – I selected the “Self Love” card.
My card read “You realize that love of self is necessary to love another.” That gave me something to think about. I teach my students to accept themselves as the perfect, divine souls that they are – but have I been taking my own advice? I kept the idea of self-love in mind, and sure enough, found myself in a position to make a choice. My assistant texted me about committing to a series of meetings, I was about to agree until I glanced down and spotted my Self Love card. I asked myself if I wanted to fill my schedule with activities that didn’t bring me joy. The answer was clear, and because the meetings didn’t serve me or my students, I turned them down – leaving more room for teaching, gardening and walks with my dogs!

Day 2 – My card read simply, “Past.”
It didn’t take long for my past to show up. The cards deeper message was “Through the power of love, you release the stagnant situations of energy in order to transform your hear space.” Sure enough, I was doing a reading assessment for an advanced student, and my mother came through. “Hi Mom! I was waiting for you to show up!”My mother is one of my guides, and she appears often – but this time her message was profoundly healing, helping me to release some past pain that I didn’t even realize was lingering.

Day 3 – The “Unity” card.
Is it a coincidence that I drew this card on the day of the President’s State of the Union address? “Love shared is amplified and has a ripple effect across the universe.” Instead of dwelling on the separateness that is so prevalent today or getting into a political discussion with members of my household, I decided to focus on unity – and spreading love. I sent out waves of love to the politicians, citizens, and all people who live in the world. I immediately felt at peace!

Day 4 – A time for “Transformation”
The card of the day read “You use the power of love to move through illusions and shift into awareness.” I thought back on the last few days and realized that the simple act of drawing the cards had allowed love to permeate my existence – and the change was tangible. I was lighter and happier as a result. My doggies seemed happier too! I had let go of some ideas I had been clinging to, realized that I wasn’t obligated to schedule every minute, and had made it a point to respond to discord with love and compassion.

Although I pride myself on spreading love energy every day – the simple act of pulling a card a day had taken my love vibration up a notch.

Ready to activate your own personal love transformation? Check out my Power of Love Activation Card deck. And while you’re at it, why not spread the love and order a deck for someone you love.