Love Wins and a Spiritual School is Launched: Looking back on 2015

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Love Wins and a Spiritual School is Launched: Looking back on 2015

Dec 18, 2015 | JVP's Blog

My last Mediumship workshop of 2015 is complete, and I’m home, wrapping up some writing projects, enjoying time with my little family, and reflecting on the past year.

2015 was a HUGE year for me personally, but as I look back, woven through the milestones that impacted my inner circle of friends, family and staff were events that impacted the world – and beyond!

Looking to the heavens…

You might have been lucky enough to catch some meteor showers this year – like August’s Perseids or the Geminids that just took place – and you surely caught a glimpse of one of the gorgeous supermoons or the blood moon in September.

Supermoons happen when the moon reaches its full phase when it’s closest to Earth – it looks extra large and bright as a result. Amazingly, the Sept. 27 supermoon was combined wih a lunar eclipse, which won’t happen again until 2033. Many people feel that events like this are signs that something momentous will happen – so stay tuned!

Events around the world.

I can’t even start to cover the events that shook the world this year, so I’ll focus on the one that gives me hope. On June 26th, 2015, love won, when the Supreme Court ruled in favor of gay Marriage in all 50 states. This was the story of the year for me, because my dream is that we humans return to our natural vibration – LOVE! If we can all get there, we’ll see fewer sad and violent events like the attacks in Charleston, Paris, San Bernardino, because hate and fear just can’t coexist with unconditional love.

Big happenings In the JVP backyard.

I spent the year criss-crossing the globe conducting demonstrations and workshops, making amazing and gifted new friends in Scotland, London, Switzerland, Ireland, Canada, Holland and right here in the USA. If you didn’t get a chance to see me live this year, stay tuned! I might be coming to your town in 2016.

My biggest accomplishment came in May, when I launched the James Van Praagh School of Mystical Arts, a labor of love that was years in the making! For decades I had dreamed of creating a place where I could share my gifts and techniques with students. I have so much to share, and through the JVP School of Mystical Arts I can offer Certification courses in the field of Psychic Intuition and Mediumship, while bringing like-minded people together so that they can raise their consciousness and realize their dreams!

The school has been a big success, with over 6,000 students participating in everything from free courses and conference calls to my 8-Week Mediumship and Psychic intensives!

Looking back with gratitude and forward with hope!

I feel so blessed to have my wonderful family, Brian and my little doggies, as well as all of the people who help make my spiritual mission a reality – And my amazing support staff who makes everything happen: Liz Cooke, my Operations manager, who brings her heart and head in making sure my healing message gets out to the world; Melissa Searing, who keeps me on schedule and reminds me what day it is; Emily Manning, who teaches me how to teach the world through my school; Kelley Krienbrink, who pushes me in my globe trotting. And of course to EVERYONE reading this….Thank you for your enthusiasm in my work and assisting me spread the word – Happy Holidays to all!