Putting Heaven on “Speed Dial”

Explore James' Teachings and Insights on All Things Spiritual

Putting Heaven on “Speed Dial”

Sep 22, 2015 | JVP's Blog

Losing a loved one hurts. No matter what you believe, even if you KNOW in your heart that their spirit is free and they’re no longer tied down with earthly pain and problems – the fact is that you miss them. The good news is that the person who you are missing is never far away. The dead send us signs every day in the form of dreams, butterflies and birds, flowers, special scents – the list goes on! If you want to receive a more concrete message, there is an easy way to do it, no medium required.

As a spiritual medium, I am blessed with the gift of receiving clear messages from the Spirit world. Through my live events and workshops, and on radio and television, I bring forth detailed messages from beyond. It’s immensely comforting to have concrete evidence that your loved one is still with you, but I can’t share messages with everyone who is grieving. I’ve done the next best thing! Last year, I teamed up with my friend Doreen Virtue (the angel lady) and we created our Talking to Heaven Mediumship Cards. We designed these cards so you could start your own dialogue with deceased friends, family members, even pets – anytime, anywhere. It’s like having your own open phone line to Heaven!

Un-blocking yourself to receive messages from beyond.

Doreen Virtue and I are both mediums, and can communicate across the veil. You can too – but when you grieve, it’s normal for your feelings and intuition can become numb. This numbness helps you deal with your pain, but can also block your connection with the Spirit World. Your Talking to Heaven Cards will open up a healing flow of messages between you and the souls that you are missing. Once you get unblocked, you will find yourself receiving comforting messages and signs throughout the day, with or without the use of mediumship cards.

How to use your mediumship cards.

People often ask me how mediumship cards work. They are simple to use, and it only takes a few minutes to receive your message. Here’s how to use my mediumship cards for a one-card, personal reading:

1) Just like tarot cards or oracle cards, your mediumship deck will become infused with your energy over time. Once you have cleared your deck, and spent some time touching and shuffling the cards, you will be ready to put them to use.

2) Shuffle the cards and say a prayer of intention over them – silently or aloud. You might call upon your angels or guides to help bring your loved one through to you. At the same time, set your own personal intention. What lesson are you working on? It might be kindness, patience, forgiveness or compassion – let the cards know

3) Think of the person in heaven who you would like to bring through, and meditate on his or her name. After a while you will start to feel that persons unique energy – it’s like an energetic “fingerprint.” When the energy is flowing, start shuffling the deck. Be aware of any impressions, thoughts or images that jump into your head while you’re shuffling. There will be a point where your inner knowing tells you to “stop shuffling.”

4) Place your deck down and draw the top card. This is your message from Heaven! Use your intuition, the thoughts that came to you while shuffling, and the guide-book included in the deck to interpret the message, as well as the picture on the card. Intuition rules in this case. Your loved one will use their connection with you to help you understand the significance of your card. Let your intuition be your guide!

Make Talking to Heaven a part of your daily routine.

As you become more comfortable with your cards, you will be amazed at how close you will feel to the Spirit world. It will be as if you have a hot-line to your loved ones in heaven. You might find yourself drawn to using the cards to help others work through their own grief and loss.

Best of all, by using the cards regularly, you will become more tuned in to the voice of your soul – which will help you on your own path to living a soul-filled life. You can order a deck by going to my online store at https://vanpraagh.com/books-cards/