Why Study Mediumship?

Explore James' Teachings and Insights on All Things Spiritual

Why Study Mediumship?

Sep 29, 2022 | JVP's Blog | 0 comments

“…may the Light that lightens all darkness lead you into the light you are so earnestly seeking.”
-Arthur Findlay

Over the years, I’ve shared the stage with some of the most gifted mediums in the UK, including Lynn Probert, Tony Stockwell, Gordon Smith, and the recently departed Mavis Pittilla. My colleagues across the pond never fail to impress me with their professionalism, integrity, and most importantly, the accuracy and detail of their readings. Plus, they’re an absolute pleasure to be around – in their own unique way, they each light up the room with their warmth and humor. 

I’ve thought about it a lot, and I believe these enlightened souls have all benefitted tremendously, both personally and professionally, from the time they spent studying and developing their craft.  

Their dedication puts them in the perfect position to share their gift with the world by writing books, sharing their Spirit connection onstage, and teaching and mentoring other mediums and spiritual seekers. 

A Spiritual Campus Helps Mediums Hone their Natural Gifts 

In addition to their personal pursuits, several of the mediums I’ve mentioned are also members of the faculty at the Arthur Findlay College. 

The Arthur Findlay College is an amazing place! I like to describe it as the real-life version of Hogwarts, the school for wizards in the Harry Potter series. Located in the UK, the Arthur Findlay College was founded in the 1960’s with the goal of furthering knowledge and understanding of Spiritualism and Psychic Science. I feel blessed to have had the chance to work with many of their graduates and teachers– and you can too (more about that later). 

You’ve probably heard me talk about how important it is for mediums and psychics to “do the work,” to take courses, study with qualified mentors and teachers, and sit in development circles. You might ask yourself, “Why do I need to study when I have a natural connection to spirit?” 

The answer is, like anyone starting out on their life path, “you don’t know what you don’t know.” You might have been connecting with Spirit for your entire life, but it isn’t until you take the time to focus your energy on understanding and expanding your gift that you can truly understand its power. 

Mediumship is a gift that carries great responsibility. 

When you think about it, talent and ability is just the beginning for many professions,

A doctor might be born an amazingly gifted healer, but he can’t treat a patient until he’s gone to med school and completed many years of study and practice.

The same goes for teachers, nurses, hairdressers, plumbers – and responsible psychics and mediums.

When I began my own spiritual journey, I spent years working on every aspect of my mediumship. I learned how to sit in the silence and let Spirit work through me. That took hours and hours of practice, and I still consider it one of the most important skills a medium can develop. In addition to helping you connect with Spirit and your guides, it connects you to your deepest soul wisdom, and that’s life-changing. 

As the creator of the JVP School of Mystical Arts, I love to help students discover that there’s so much more to mediumship than receiving messages! 

As we work together, they learn the importance of:

  • Staying grounded and centered to protect their own energy.
  • The responsibilities of mediumship and the importance of being respectful of people’s emotions.
  • How to reach and sustain the mediumship vibration without dropping into the psychic. 
  • How to speak the language of Spirit’s to accurately interpret messages from the other side.
  • How to pick up more details to keep a reading going.

There’s so much value to dedicating time to your craft, and the confidence it brings reaches into every area of your life.

A Community of Lightworkers.

One of my favorite things about the JVP School of Mystical Arts is the sense of community the participants share. We connect on Zoom calls and social media, and sometimes have the chance to work together in-person. 

Speaking of getting together in-person…

Later this month, I’m going to be spending a week with Lynn Probert – my dear friend and a distinguished member of the faculty at the Arthur Findlay College. We’ll be teaching a weeklong, in-person workshop in Carlsbad, California where we will help you elevate your gifts and deepen your Spirit Connection by tapping into the Power of Love. 

I love the fact that so many of my students are born with such incredible talent, but they still come to me with an openness to learn and grow – as a psychic, healer, medium – and as a soul! 

If you KNOW you have the gift, Lynn and I can help you take it even further with the skills and techniques we have to share. Plus, you’ll learn so much about yourself, at the soul-level. I’d love to see you in Carlsbad on October 24th- 28th!