Tuning In To Spirit Messages

Tuning In To Spirit Messages

Imagine you’re taking a beautiful hike through the woods, and you want to get closer to the native wildlife like deer, rabbits, squirrels, and birds. What would you do?  Would you crash through the trails, chasing down every furry creature you come across? It’s pretty...
Become a Better Medium By Tuning Into LOVE!

Become a Better Medium By Tuning Into LOVE!

October is here, and I’m eagerly anticipating the arrival of my dear friend from the UK, the warm, funny, and incredibly gifted, Lynn Probert.  Last time Lynn was in town we teamed up to host a 5-day mediumship workshop. We have another one coming up this month, but...
Why Study Mediumship?

Why Study Mediumship?

“…may the Light that lightens all darkness lead you into the light you are so earnestly seeking.” -Arthur Findlay Over the years, I’ve shared the stage with some of the most gifted mediums in the UK, including Lynn Probert, Tony Stockwell, Gordon Smith, and the...
10 Signs That You’re a Healer

10 Signs That You’re a Healer

This past year, I’ve noticed something really interesting. Since the pandemic, I’ve been hosting a lot of students calls, webinars, and reading events online. People sometimes worry that the connection won’t come through as well when we’re not in the same place, but...
A Rainbow of Healing

A Rainbow of Healing

This morning I was walking through my house, preparing the guest rooms for some friends who will be visiting soon, and I noticed something interesting. While I tend to gravitate toward certain shades, each of my three guest rooms has a different color scheme – indigo,...
Healing the Child Within

Healing the Child Within

This weekend, I was taking a walk on the beach with some friends when I noticed a group of young children playing in the sand. I was struck by the pure, love energy emanating from these perfect little souls, and it got me to thinking about how wonderful it would be to...
Take Care of Your Energy – and It Will Take Care of You

Take Care of Your Energy – and It Will Take Care of You

You’ll often hear people say, “He has good energy,” or “I like her energy,” but do you ever think about what that really means?  The energy people give off can be hard to put into words, but you know it when you feel it – and it’s the reason you’re especially drawn to...
Let the Universe be Your Guide

Let the Universe be Your Guide

“And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.” -Paulo Coelho Last Sunday, my friend Liz and I went to the Seaside Center for Spiritual Living to chat with the congregation about my upcoming events with Gordon Smith. I’ve been...
Animals – They’re a Lot Like Us!

Animals – They’re a Lot Like Us!

Because I am a medium, unusual visions are quite commonplace – and usually related to spirits showing up with a message for me to share. But the other day I saw something that surprised even me. There was a little yellow bird hanging upside down by his feet as he...